ZACM-1013 Computer Support Specialist - CompTIA A

13.2 CEUs

Prepare for the CompTIA A 220-1101 and 220-1102 certification exams with the CompTIA A course and lab. The lab provides a virtual environment for users to explore and learn. Interactive chapters comprehensively cover the CompTIA A certification exam objectives and provide expertise to work with mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting, and more.   The CompTIA A exam is a globally recognized industry standard for establishing an IT career. The CompTIA A Core Series 220-1101 exam and 220-1102 exam cover expanded content on growing IT support role including expanded baseline security topics. The certification provides a different approach to define competency in operational procedures including basic disaster prevention, recovery, and scripting basics; and a greater dependency on networking and device connectivity.   Please Note:  Our online courses are instructor-led virtual courses that require live interaction between our instructors and students on assigned days and activities.

Contact hours: 33

Not financial aid eligible.

ZACM-1016 Security Support Specialist - CompTIA Security

3.6 CEUs

The CompTIA Security certification is an international, vendor-neutral credential ensuring foundation-level skills and knowledge in identifying risk, participating in risk mitigation activities and providing infrastructure, information, operational and application security. The CompTIA Security certification proves the recipient's ability to understand and explain the security functions of common network devices and technologies. Security certification exam objectives: Risk management (14%) Cryptography and PKI (12%) Technologies and tools (22%) Architecture and design (15%) Identity and access management (16%) Threats, attacks and vulnerabilities (21%) Key skills measured by the Security certification exam: Explaining the impacts and proper use of environmental controls Identifying security threats and performing risk mitigation activities Understanding applicable policies, laws and regulations of IT security Exemplifying the concepts of data confidentiality, integrity and availability Understanding and applying cryptography and public key infrastructure (PKI) Implementing and configuring a wireless network in a safe and secure manner Explaining the concepts of user authentication, authorization and access control Applying and implementing secure network administration principles and procedures Our online courses require live interaction between instructors and students on assigned days and for assigned activities.

Contact hours: 36

Not financial aid eligible.

ZACM-1018 CompTIA A Computer Support Specialist

3.6 CEUs

Prepare for the CompTIA A 220-1101 and 220-1102 certification exams with the CompTIA A course and lab. The lab provides a virtual environment for users to explore and learn. Interactive chapters comprehensively cover the CompTIA A certification exam objectives and provide expertise to work with mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and more. The CompTIA A exam is a globally recognized industry standard for establishing an IT career. The CompTIA A Core Series 220-1101 and 220-1102 exams cover expanded content on growing IT support roles including expanded baseline security topics. The certification provides a different approach to define competency in operational procedures, including basic disaster prevention, recovery, scripting basics and a greater dependency on networking and device connectivity. Please note: Our online instructor-led virtual courses require live interaction between our instructors and students on assigned days and activities.

Contact hours: 36

Not financial aid eligible.

ZACM-1019 CompTIA Security Specialist

4 CEUs

This 8-week course prepares you for the CompTIA Security certification exam. Gaining this certification shows you have the baseline skills necessary to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career. Delivered through interactive classes, students get: Hands-on experience through online labs, activities and projects eLearning portal access with interactive content, including labs, videos and practice exams Online knowledge assessments Challenging scenario-based exercises that reinforce curriculum topics

Contact hours: 40

Not financial aid eligible.

ZACM-1021 CompTIA A Computer Support Technician

7.2 CEUs

The CompTIA A Computer Support Technician course prepares the student for both the CompTIA IT fundamentals and CompTIA A 220-1101 and 220-1102 certification exams with the course material and labs. The combination provides labs in a virtual environment for users to explore and learn. Interactive chapters comprehensively cover the CompTIA A certification exam objectives and IT Fundamentals and provide expertise to work with mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and more.

Contact hours: 72

Not financial aid eligible.